Here I am! How are you? 😃 We are a little in suspense for this Dpcm and worried about all of us, but we must look forward, join forces and believe more and more that the neighborhood shop is the safest place for customers and children in this difficult time struggling with a virus that won't give up.a.😌
We are there, we have carried out all our planned and ready-to-wear projects. The latter becomes increasingly important in this moment of uncertainty as well as the fact that it becomes an important reason for retaining customers and creatingre sales funnel ✌️( example: the customer enters the shop for new arrivals and I can also sell him what I already have in the shop) Create theexpectation for the arrival of new products is one of the most important techniques ofmarketing, because waiting and the idea of being one of the first to wear or buy fashion news for their children makes the customer satisfied and encouraged to buy, and even more importantly it promotes loyalty in your shop.👏🏻
We thought about creating theMARKETING PILLS, what they are Short but practical advice isideas to manage your communication and strategy to increase contacts, retain customers and increase your online and offline visibility. Do you want to receive them too? Fill out the form below, I'll steal 3 minutes .......